In this course you will learn how to use survey weights to estimate descriptive statistics, like means and totals, and more complicated quantities like model parameters for linear and logistic regressions. Software capabilities will be covered with R® receiving particular emphasis. The course will also cover the basics of record linkage and statistical matching—both of which are becoming more important as ways of combining data from different sources. Combining of datasets raises ethical issues which the course reviews. Informed consent may have to be obtained from persons to allow their data to be linked. You will learn about differences in the legal requirements in different countries.Lee mas.
Este recurso es ofrecido por un socio afiliado. Si paga por la capacitación, podemos ganar una comisión para respaldar este sitio.
Las técnicas y herramientas cubiertas en Combining and Analyzing Complex Data son muy similares a los requisitos que se encuentran en los anuncios de trabajo de Científico de datos.
Combining and Analyzing Complex Data is a part of uno structured learning path.
7 Courses
8 Months
Survey Data Collection and Analytics