This is the final course in the Data Literacy Specialization. In this capstone course, you'll apply the skills and knowledge you have acquired in the specialization to the critical evaluation of an original quantitative analysis. The project will first require you to identify and read a piece of high-quality, original, quantitative research on a topic of your choosing. You’ll then interpret and evaluate the findings as well as the methodological approach. As part of the project, you’ll also review other students’ submissions. By the end of the project, you should be empowered to be a critical consumer and user of quantitative research.Lee mas.
Este recurso es ofrecido por un socio afiliado. Si paga por la capacitación, podemos ganar una comisión para respaldar este sitio.
Las técnicas y herramientas cubiertas en Data Literacy Capstone – Evaluating Research son muy similares a los requisitos que se encuentran en los anuncios de trabajo de Científico de datos.
Data Literacy Capstone – Evaluating Research is a part of uno structured learning path.
5 Courses
5 Months
Data Literacy - Johns Hopkins University