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Computing applications involving large amounts of data – the domain of data science – impact the lives of most people in the U.S. and the world. These impacts include recommendations made to us by internet-based systems, information that is available about us online, techniques that are used for security and surveillance, data that is used in health care, and many more. In many cases, they are affected by techniques in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

This course examines some of the ethical issues related to data science, with the fundamental objective of making data science professionals aware of and sensitive to ethical considerations that may arise in their careers. It does this through a combination of discussion of ethical frameworks, examination of a variety of data science applications that lead to ethical considerations, reading current media and scholarly articles, and drawing upon the perspectives and experiences of fellow students and computing professionals.Lee mas.

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Relevancia profesional por rol de datos

Las técnicas y herramientas cubiertas en Ethical Issues in Data Science son muy similares a los requisitos que se encuentran en los anuncios de trabajo de Científico de datos.

Puntuaciones de similitud (sobre 100)

Secuencia de aprendizaje

Ethical Issues in Data Science is a part of uno structured learning path.

University of Colorado Boulder

4 Courses 5 Months

Vital Skills for Data Science