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Politics and Ethics of Data Analytics in the Public Sector


Deepen your understanding of the power and politics of data in the public sector, including how values — in addition to data and evidence — are always part of public sector decision-making. In this course, you will explore common ethical challenges associated with data, data analytics, and randomized controlled trials in the public sector. You will also navigate and understand the ethical issues related to data systems and data analysis by understanding frameworks, codes of ethics, and professional guidelines. Using two technical case studies, you will understand common ethical issues, including participation bias in populations and how slicing analysis is used to identify bias in predictive machine learning models. This course also serves as a capstone experience for the Data Analytics in the Public Sector with R Specialization, where you will conduct an applied policy options analysis using authentic data from a real-world case study. In this capstone exercise, you will review data as part of policy options analysis, create a visualization of the results, and make a recommendation.Lee mas.

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Relevancia profesional por rol de datos

Las técnicas y herramientas cubiertas en Politics and Ethics of Data Analytics in the Public Sector son muy similares a los requisitos que se encuentran en los anuncios de trabajo de Analista de datos.

Puntuaciones de similitud (sobre 100)

Secuencia de aprendizaje

Politics and Ethics of Data Analytics in the Public Sector is a part of uno structured learning path.

University of Michigan