Concern about the harmful effects of machine learning algorithms and AI models (bias and more) has resulted in greater attention to the fundamentals of data ethics. News stories appear regularly about credit algorithms that discriminate against women, medical algorithms that discriminate against African Americans, hiring algorithms that base decisions on gender, and more. In most cases, those who developed and deployed these algorithms and data processes had no such intentions, and were unaware of the harmful impact of their work.
This data science ethics course for both practitioners and managers provides guidance and practical tools to build better models and avoid these problems. The course offers a framework data scientists can use to develop their projects, and an audit process to follow in reviewing them. Case studies along with Python code are provided.Lee mas.
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Las técnicas y herramientas cubiertas en Principles of Data Science Ethics son muy similares a los requisitos que se encuentran en los anuncios de trabajo de Científico de datos.