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Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch


In this final course, you will explore database architecture, PostgreSQL, and various scalable deployment configurations. You will see how PostgreSQL implements basic CRUD operations and indexes, and review how transactions and the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) requirements are implemented.

You’ll learn to use Elasticsearch NoSQL, which is a common NoSQL database and a supplement to a relational database to high-speed search and indexing. We will examine Elasticsearch as an example of a BASE-style (Basic Availability, Soft State, Eventual Consistency) database approach, as well as compare and contrast the advantages and challenges associated with ACID and BASE databases.阅读更多.

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Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch 中涵盖的技术和工具与 数据架构师 招聘广告中的要求最为相似。

相似度得分(满分 100)


Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch is a part of 一 structured learning path.

University of Michigan

4 Courses 4 Months

PostgreSQL for Everybody