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Data Analytics for Business: Manipulating and Interpreting Your Data


Do you want to expand your career options?

The demand for data analysis skills is projected to grow at over four times the rate of the overall labour market. Expand your career options and earning potential by improving your knowledge and skills in this area.

This course builds on the previous two within this Data Analysis for Business ExpertTrack to round off your knowledge and prepare you to use these skills in a professional environment.

Filter and aggregate data with basic SQL queries

Expand your SQL knowledge to group and modify functions that appear within your database.

Understanding these queries will allow you to hone in on specific parts of your data set and carry out deeper interrogation of your business analytics.

Differentiate between correlation and causation

It’s impossible to deduce a causal relationship between two variables purely based on the association.

On this course, you’ll learn the difference between correlation and causation, and the potential pitfalls in making assumptions in this area. You will then explore ways to draw firmer conclusions from your data.

Calculate correlation using Pearson’s coefficient

You’ll explore techniques to measure relationships between items within your datasets, including Pearson’s coefficient which measures linear correlation between two data variables.阅读更多.

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