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Data Analytics for Decision Making: An Introduction to Using Excel


In a world of big data, industries need big thinkers to harness its potentialMore and more organisations are investing in big data. In fact, in the next two years 76% of companies are planning to increase their investment in data analytics. But it is not enough to simply gather information and crunch numbers; to stand out you must know how to analyse and use data to effectively improve real-life decisions.

Data analytics is the science of analysing raw data in order to make conclusions about that information. This course, taught by Bond University’s Associate Professor of Data Analytics Dr Adrian Gepp, introduces students to the use and application of data.

You will be introduced to methods used to describe data, as well as basic probability concepts needed to understand what the data means, and how it can be applied to improve business decisions. Using Microsoft Excel, you will learn practical methods to solve basic quantitative problems in business decision making.

This course is part of our Study with Australia collection, with free upgrades and digital certificates supported by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission until 31st July, 2020. Explore more courses from leading Australian education providers.阅读更多.

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