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Data Visualisation: Communicate Key Metrics Throughout Your Business


Struggling to turn data insights into action within your organisation?

Learn how to identify the right metrics to add to data dashboards and identify the most effective components to help you tell data stories through beautiful visualisations.

As the second part of the Data Visualisation ExpertTrack, this course will take you from theory into practice.

You’ll build the skills you need to create interactive dashboards using Tableau.

You’ll learn the practical and strategic steps needed to successfully present and communicate insights to a range of audiences and key stakeholders with Tableau.

Identify key business metrics to create effective data visualisations

If you want to tell the right data story, you need to choose the right metrics.

This part of the data visualisation process directly impacts the types of charts, components, and output you’ll work with, and the overall effectiveness of your dashboards.

Review your data visualisation layouts for accessibility

Ensuring that every member of your organisation can easily read and understand data dashboards is essential for their effectiveness.

You’ll learn how to evaluate your dashboards for accessibility and make changes to ensure that you can make an impact with every reader.

Prepare strategies to deploy data dashboards within your organisation

Once your data visualisations have been created, you’ll need a plan for delivering them throughout the business at the right time and at the right levels.

This course will prepare you to make decisions on how to release the information, timings, and how to communicate upon release for maximum impact.阅读更多.

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