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Financial Analysis for Business Decisions: How to Use Tableau and Financial Modelling


Use data visualisation to steer data-driven decision making

Data analytics has become increasingly essential to modern business decision making processes. In few business areas is this more pronounced than finance – already a highly data-driven function.

For businesses seeking a competitive edge, financial analysis plays a central role in data-driven decision making.
This finance management course will equip those working in finance-related roles with the skills they need to prosper in this context.

You will learn:

how to use Tableau data visualisation software, both to find new insights and to communicate them to a broad audience
how to apply common financial models, incorporating financial assumptions
how to do a SWOT analysis, and why
Learn how to use Tableau to communicate with a broad audience

Data visualisation can serve an important function in financial analysis. It allows those working in finance-related functions to glean new insights from their data. It also allows these professionals to communicate these insights with a broader audience, in an accessible fashion.

Being able to visualise data is therefore a key finance skill, which can inform data-driven decision making.
In this course, you will learn how to use Tableau to import your data sets and create graphics to aid financial analysis.

Discover different types of financial models, and how to use them

You’ll learn about different types of financial models, and their functions, in order to compare them. These models are important in financial analysis and data-driven decision making, allowing you to predict the future consequences of decisions.

Finally, you will discover how to conduct a SWOT analysis, looking at an organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.阅读更多.

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